The elfproef is a Dutch validation check that was used for bank account numbers before the introduction of IBAN and is still used for BSN (National identifier) and payment references in bank transaction. Here’s a sweet inline table valued function that will yield instant results. 1 million iterations of this take up almost no cpu time so it’s very fast.
The first part checks if the supplied value is numeric. If it is , we work with the supplied value, otherwise we work with the value 1 which will never yield a valid BSN. We cannot work with if/then constructs because we are working with an inline table function.
I used a JSON array for configuration because it makes the code easier to read. If you want to know how an elfproef works, here’s an explanation in Dutch:
Example usage: select BSN from Personen as PRS WHERE dbo.tvf_CheckElfProef(PRS.BSN) = 0
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create or alter function dbo.tvf_CheckElfproef ( @Bsn varchar(9) ) returns table as return ( with Bsn as ( select Nr = cast(iif(isnumeric(@Bsn) = 1, @BsnNr, 1) as bigint) ), Factoren as ( select Positie , Factor from openjson(' [ {"Positie": 1,"Factor": -1}, {"Positie": 2,"Factor": 2}, {"Positie": 3,"Factor": 3}, {"Positie": 4,"Factor": 4}, {"Positie": 5,"Factor": 5}, {"Positie": 6,"Factor": 6}, {"Positie": 7,"Factor": 7}, {"Positie": 8,"Factor": 8}, {"Positie": 9,"Factor": 9} ] ') with (Positie smallint, Factor smallint) ), Totalen as ( select Totaal = sum((nr % power(10, Positie) / power(10, Positie - 1)) * Factor) from Factoren cross join Bsn ) select ResultaatElfProef = Totaal % 11 from Totalen ) |