Why yes? With this script it’s easy as ABC. Just fill in the list of items you want scripted and off you go. This way you can script any stored procedure, view, function or anything else that resides in the sys.sql_modules table.
There is a small piece of code that will loop through the definition if it’s longer than 4000 characters long. The PRINT statement will only print the first 4000 characters of a (n)varchar variable. To work around this, we split off 4000 characters, then find the last carriage return and throw away the remainder of the string. This way we don’t get any nasty splits on the screen. Then we print that string and we subtract the length of that string from the original string, and we go again.
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DECLARE @FQObjectName NVARCHAR(257), @Definition NVARCHAR(MAX), @Separator NVARCHAR(80) = REPLICATE('-', 80), @PrintBlock NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @tbDefinition TABLE (FQObjectName NVARCHAR(257), Definition NVARCHAR(MAX)) INSERT INTO @tbDefinition (FQObjectName, Definition) SELECT CONCAT_WS('.', OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(SM.object_id), OBJECT_NAME(SM.object_id)) AS FQObjectName, SM.definition FROM sys.sql_modules AS SM WHERE OBJECT_NAME(SM.object_id) IN ('UnqualifiedObjectOne', 'UnqualifiedObjectOne') DECLARE cDefinitions CURSOR FOR SELECT TD.FQObjectName, TD.Definition FROM @tbDefinition AS TD OPEN cDefinitions FETCH NEXT FROM cDefinitions INTO @FQObjectName, @Definition WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT @Separator PRINT CONCAT('-- ', @FQObjectName) PRINT @Separator WHILE LEN(@Definition) > 4000 BEGIN -- Fix because PRINT is limited to 4000 chars SET @PrintBlock = REVERSE(LEFT(@Definition, 4000)) SET @PrintBlock = REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@PrintBlock, CHARINDEX(char(13), @PrintBlock), 99999)) PRINT @PrintBlock SET @Definition = RIGHT(@Definition, LEN(@Definition) - LEN(@PrintBlock)) END PRINT @Definition PRINT 'GO' FETCH NEXT FROM cDefinitions INTO @FQObjectName, @Definition END CLOSE cDefinitions DEALLOCATE cDefinitions GO |